Sunday, October 20, 2019

Spooktober Side Car 7: Annabelle Comes Home

The newest film on the CCU is the third of the Annabelle films. It's also by far the most fun of the three (and easily in the top half of Cinematic Universe). Annabelle comes home is the closest to a creature feature of the 7 movies. I watched this before one of the two remaining movies I haven't written about yet but I figured I might as well finish up the Annabelle Trilogy.

The movie opens with the Warren's bringing home the Annabelle doll after collecting it in the opening scene of The Conjuring. Some time later, they go on a trip and leave their daughter in the care of a babysitter. The babysitter's friend/ classmate had a recent loss in the family and due to the Warrens' reputation decides she should crash the babysitting party and try and contact that ghost.

Long story short, friend gets into the cursed object room and opens the case that Annabelle is stored in. She also touches all of the other cursed objects in the room so welp now we got a whole lot of bonus demons to go along with Annabelle. I won't spoil any more here because it is a surprisingly fun movie (especially considering how NOT fun the other 2 A-belles were).

Why did this movie work for me so much more than the other two? Well first, it's fun. The other two are just so dark and dour and miserable. This one has a sense of lightness to it (despite it being about a bunch of demons tormenting 3 young girls.) There's also the fact that they didn't have to try and establish anything about Annabelle in this. They didn't have to show us how evil the doll is or how the doll got all eviled up: all that crap was established. Now it's just time for her to get out there and spook it up.

I'm shocked I would actually recommend one of the three Annabelles but here I am. You can easily skip the other two. All you need to know coming into this one is there is a spooky doll full of a scary demon.

I was under the weather when I watched this so my drink was a gatorade zero. I give this movie two creepy doll eyes up.

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