Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Spooktober Side Car 6: Annabelle Creation.

I watched this about 2 weeks ago but I've been putting off writing about it because it sucked. I mean it didn't suck as bad as Annabelle but it was still pretty shitty. Luckily, I took a bunch of notes that I fully plan on mostly ignoring while writing this up.

The movie opens on the family of a doll maker: mom, dad, and little girl. Little girl and dad play hide and seek with notes. I should add that before that, dad makes the very creepy and scary Annabelle doll. They go to church. On the way home from church their car breaks down. While dad is changing the tire a lug nut rolls into the street. The little girl runs to get it and is immediately smoked by a truck. This happens 7 minutes in. Given how few  people have died in the CCU so far this was exciting news.

Flash forward 10 years and mom and dad welcome a bus full of orphans, a priest, and a nun to use their house as an orphanage. Mom is bed bound and not seen by the new tenants. All the bedrooms for the girls (all the orphans are girls) are upstairs but one had polio so she's got leg braces. Luckily, the house has a Gremlin's style motorized chair that can take her up the stairs. Upstairs they have access to all rooms, except one, which is locked. I'm sure you can see where this is going.

At night, the handicapped girl finds a note on the floor that says "find me" (CALL BACK TO THE HIDE AND SEEK NOTES OMG) and walks out of her bed room. A note comes from under the locked scary room that says "in here" and the door spookily unlocks. She explores, finds the scary Annabelle doll in a secret locked wall closet. She ends up going back to bed and nothing too scary happens.

The next night (or some night there isn't a good sense of time in this movie) and the girl hears music coming from the locked room of scares and creeps. She finds a diary in there, reads it, and she sees a ghost. She asks the ghost what it wants, ghost says "your soul" and it demonizes and attacks her. SHOCKING

hello I am a scary ghost of a girl and also a demon. Well a scary demon pretending to be a ghost of a girl
The girl tries to run away but can't get down the stairs. She uses the Gremlin chair but when it gets halfway down it brings her back up. The demon rips her out of the chair and throws her over the rails. She doesn't die and shows back up in a wheel chair. The demon makes the wheel chair roll her into a shed and then possesses her.

To make a long rest of the story short, possessed girl murders mom and dad (or the demon does) and mom's death is legit gruesome (she's ripped in half) and dad's scene features some ouchies happening to his hand.

I think you're gonna need an orthopod to help with those fingers

The demon/ girl attacks everyone else but no one else dies. She gets thrown into the locked little cubby where the Annabelle doll was and everyone is relieved. When the police come to find her she's burrowed out of that room somehow and escapes. She is adopted by the next door neighbors from the first Annabelle and it ends by reshowing that murder scene. ~FIN~

I have no interest in analyzing or talking about anything more than a plot summary because these movies suck and don't deserve the brain effort. This movie was shit but thankfully less shit than Annabelle. I cant remember what I drank during the movie but hopefully it was paint thinner. Fuck it.

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