Sunday, September 29, 2019

Spooktober Side Car 2: Night of the Demons (1988)

Now this... this is what I wanted in a crappy 80s teen horror movie. It opens with some rad hand drawn credits with a rad synth soundtrack:

Spooky credits monster
We open on some rude "teens" played convincingly by actors in their mid to upper 30s driving wildly down a street who yell at/ catch the ire of an old man who tells them to go to hell. We soon find out that these teens are going to attend a Halloween party at an abandoned house/ funeral parlor along with, well, other teens.  There's a scene in a convenience store where one of the girls bends over to show her panties, causing the clerks to stare at ass (god bless the 80s and the objectification/ horniness towards high school girls) while her friend steals party favors. Soon enough, the whole crew shows up to the creepy house and they start getting down. When their boombox (playing some hot hot Bauhaus of all things) runs out of batteries, they decide to hold a "Halloween Seance" and you can probably guess how that goes. They perform said seance in front of a spooky mirror and, not surprisingly, a demon head appears in the mirror.

I see a similar visage in the mirror every time I wake up
Someone gets possessed, this kind of daisy chains into multiple possessions/ killings, and then the final survivors escape. I will say I was surprised by who the survivors were (one was obviously going to live. Another... well, I assumed that character would die). Before the end we go back and visit in on our old angry man again and then cut to the credits with a sweet 80s ballad rocking.

RATING: 3 fudge logs gravestones out of five. I was very entertained during the 90 minute run time.

HOW I WATCHED IT: The whole dang thing is on the youtubes (

BEVERAGE: Short's Black Cherry Porter. It's mediocre.

Final Thoughts: Should you watch this movie? Depends if you like 80s teen slasher/ zombie flicks. I had a good time watching and don't regret it (that's why I didn't really spoil anything in my review. This is worth a watch unlike that last piece of shit I watched).

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